João Paulo A. Almeida
Membro Sênior
0000-0002-9819-3781 (ORCID)
João Paulo A. Almeida is a full professor at the Computer Science Department of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil. He is a founding member of the Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO) and has a research grant from CNPq (“Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq – E”).
Since 2007, João Paulo has been working on the application of ontologies in enterprise architecture and enterprise modeling at NEMO/UFES, having had a key role in the development of OntoUML model-driven tools and core ontologies based on UFO (including UFO-S and UFO-L). More recently, he has led the development of the gUFO implementation of UFO. He has also made contributions to multi-level conceptual modeling with the MLT theory and the ML2 language. He is currently principal researcher in a FAPES-funded project on semantic technologies and their applications.
He received his Computer Engineering degree in 1998 from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Vitória, Brazil), and his Master of Science in Telematics degree from the University of Twente in 2001, with the master thesis entitled Dynamic Reconfiguration of Object-Middleware-based Distributed Systems developed at Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Twente. He joined the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology at the University of Twente in September 2001, and received his Ph.D. from that university in 2006, with the Ph.D. thesis entitled Model-Driven Design of Distributed Applications (supervised by Prof. dr. ir. Chris Vissers, Dr. ir. Marten van Sinderen and Dr. Luís Ferreira Pires.) During 2006, he worked as a Scientific Researcher for the Telematica Instituut (then Novay) on the application of model-driven approaches to the design of services and service-oriented architectures. He has participated in the European SPICE IST and MODA-TEL IST projects, in the Dutch Freeband WASP project and in the AMIDST project.
He served as principal researcher in several CNPq projects (including a CNPq/FAPES PRONEX project), as well as Dean of the Graduate School in Computer Science at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2011-2013). He served as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) (2016) and as chair of the EDOC Conference Steering Committee (2014-2016).
He is a senior member of the IEEE and of the ACM, serves in the Advisory Board of the IAOA and in the steering committees of EDOC and ER. He currently serves in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Ontology (from 2017), of the Data & Knowledge Engineering journal (from 2021), of the Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) (from 2023) and of the Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (from 2024).
His standardization activities include participation in the revision of the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) and in the W3C in the scope of the E-Government Linked Data Working Group (Organization Ontology) and W3C Data on Web Best Practices Working Group.
Throughout the years, he has served in the committees of several scientific events, including: EDOC, ER, ISWC, CAiSE, MODELS, FOIS, TEAR, PoEM, CoopIS, IEEE CBI, APCCM, FASE, BPMDS, EMMSAD, CAiSE Forum, IWEI, VORTE and WODPEC.
Business Address:
UFES, Departamento de Informática
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514
29075-910 Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
E-mail: jpalmeida ‘at’ ieee ‘dot’ org
Office: CT-13, Room 25, 3rd floor
Best paper award at FOIS 2023: Inferring ontological categories of owl classes using foundational rules
Best paper award at ER 2022: Legal Power-Subjection Relations: Ontological Analysis and Modeling Pattern
Best presentation award at ER 2020, with the paper: Transformation of Ontology-Based Conceptual Models into Relational Schemas, see 8-min presentation.
Best paper award at ER 2019: Events as Entities in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling
Best student paper award at ER 2018, with Claudenir Morais Fonseca: Multi-Level Conceptual Modeling: From a Formal Theory to a Well-Founded Language
Best paper award at IEEE EDOC 2017: From an Ontology of Service Contracts to Contract Modeling in Enterprise Architecture
Best paper award at ER 2015: Extending the Foundations of Ontology-based Conceptual Modeling with a Multi-Level Theory
Best student paper award at IEEE EDOC 2015: Towards Capturing Strategic Planning in EA, with my Ph.D. student Carlos Azevedo.
Best paper award at IEEE EDOC 2013: Towards a Commitment- based Reference Ontology for Services
Best paper award at IFIP I3E 2013: Foundational Ontologies for Semantic Integration in EAI: A Systematic Literature Review
Best paper award at IEEE CogSIMA 2013: A Rule-Based Platform for Situation Management
Best paper award at IEEE EDOC 2011: An Ontology-Based Semantics for the Motivation Extension to ArchiMate
Professional Activities
Scientific Events
Workshops co-chair CAiSE 2024, Limassol, Cyprus.
Ontology show case co-chair FOIS 2024, Enschede, Netherlands.
Program committee co-chair ER 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Program committee co-chair PoEM 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Track chair of the “In-Use Track” of ISWC 2022, Hangzhou, China (hybrid).
Program committee co-chair EDOC 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Tutorialist at JOWO 2022: Implementing better ontologies with gUFO (with Tiago P. Sales and Giancarlo Guizzardi).
Tutorialist at Ontobras 2021: Ontology Implementation with gUFO: A Hands-on Tutorial (with Tiago P. Sales). [slides]
Program committee co-chair IEEE CBI 2021.
Keynote speaker for VMBO 2021. [abstract]
Publicity chair for IEEE EDOC 2021.
Keynote speaker for Ontobras 2020, Vitória, Brazil.
Tutorial co-chair ER 2020, Vienna, Austria.
Regional publicity chair for EDOC 2020.
Tutorialist ER 2019, Salvador, Brazil: Multi-Level Modeling with Powertypes: What you can do, What you can’t do, and How to achieve more with a foundational theory.
PC Chair Ontobras 2019, 12th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil, Porto Alegre.
Co-chair. 6th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI) at MoDELS 2019, Munich, Germany.
Keynote speaker for the 1st International Workshop on View-Oriented Software Engineering (VoSE) at MoDELS 2019, Munich, Germany. The role of reference ontologies in view-based modeling.
Keynote speaker for Ontobras 2018, São Paulo, Brazil. Multi-Level Conceptual Modeling: Theory and Applications.
Co-chair Dagstuhl Seminar on Multi-Level Modeling (2017), Germany.
Session Chair (Foundational Ontologies) 7th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (2017), Antwerp, Belgium
Publicity Chair for the 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2016).
Chair of the Steering Committee of the IEEE EDOC Conference (2014-2016).
Member of the Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR) Workshop Steering Committee (2014-current).
Co-chair of the 2nd IAOA Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis, 2014, Vitória, ES.
Co-chair of TEAR 2013 – TEAR 2013 – 8th Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.
Co-chair of VORTE 2012 – 7th International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise at IEEE EDOC 2012, Beijing, China.
Co-chair of TEAR 2011 – The 6th Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research Workshop at EDOC 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
General chair of the 14th IEEE International EDOC Conference – The Enterprise Computing Conference (IEEE EDOC 2010), Vitória, Brazil.
Co-chair of the program committee: 13th IEEE International EDOC Conference – The Enterprise Computing Conference (IEEE EDOC 2009), Auckland, New Zealand.
Co-chair 5th Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2008) in conjunction with The Twelth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008), 15th September, Munich, 2008.
Co-chair International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Enterprise Computing (3M4EC 2008) in conjunction with The Twelfth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008), 16th September, Munich, 2008
Co-chair WBPM 2008 – 2nd Workshop on Business Process Management (in conjunction with WebMedia 2008), Vitória, ES, Brazil, 2008.
Co-chair 4th Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2007) in conjunction with The Eleventh IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2007), Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 2007.
Co-chair of the Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2006) in conjunction with The Tenth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2006), 16 Oct. 2006, Hong Kong.
Co-chair of the European Workshop on Milestones, Models and Mappings for Model-Driven Architecture (3M4MDA 2006) in conjunction with ECMDA 2006, 11 July 2006, Bilbao, Spain.
Member of the organizing committee: 9th International IEEE EDOC Conference (EDOC 2005), Sept. 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Member of the organizing committee: First European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Application, March 2004, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Special issue editor for EMISAJ “Multi-Level Process Challenge”.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Ontology (2017-current)
Special issue editor for International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) (Inderscience) – Special Issue on Business Process Management.
Special issue editor for International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) (Inderscience) Special Issue on Model-Driven Service-Oriented Architectures.
Special issue editor for Enterprise Information Systems (Taylor & Francis) – Special Issue on Next-generation Enterprise Computing.
Reviewer for Information Systems (Elsevier), Software and System Modeling (Springer), Business & Information Systems Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Internet Computing, Information and Software Technology (Elsevier), IEEE Software, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier), International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (Inderscience), Enterprise Information Systems (Taylor & Francis), Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Springer), Computer Standards & Interfaces (Elsevier), The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (Elsevier).
This page shows the publications in reverse chronological order. When available, you can find links to the publishers’ websites (through DOI) or to the author-submitted version of the paper (in PDF) at the left-hand side of the list. You can also view the full list of papers in BibTeX format.
All pdfs here are the author’s version of the work, posted here by permission of publishers for your personal use, not for re-distribution. The definitive version was published in the respective conference proceedings/journal issue.